Whether you like it or not, Harry Potter is a phenomenon. I don’t just mean the movies. I mean the entire genre/movement that is Harry Potter. The books started it all, but then led to fan sites, record breaking movies, a genre of music (Wizard Rock or Wrock), podcasts, and much more. I got a book for Christmas that describes the entire phenomenon
written by someone who experienced it first hand. Harry, A History by Melissa Anelli describes Harry Potter’s impact on her life and society in general. If you are a fan of JK Rowling’s Harry, then you will love this book.
Anelli writes in the first person and in her experiences in the last 10 years. She is a very good writer and spices the book up by not writing a chronological history from beginning to end. She writes in small chunks, which makes the book easy to pick up and read for a few minutes and put down. In theory. For me, it was pretty difficult to put down. It was incredibly interesting and insightful and should be on every Potter fan’s “to read” list. The only negative I could find with the book is that in some portions of the book, Anelli tends to get carried away and then gets herself back on track. I didn’t mind because I’m a nerdy Harry Potter fan, but I’m just being objective. Also, just a warning, Anelli tells her story (about Potter) coinciding with the big story. Don’t expect an objective, straight, boring history of Harry.
I give the book 9 ramheads out of 10 and suggest you read it if you like Harry Potter. (Like right now: go out and buy it here.)

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