So guess what? I’m employed. At a great company with great people doing stuff I love. This means that I’ll be able to blog more. First, though, I need to play a little catch-up.
The Avengers (2012) was a great action comic book movie. It is really jam-packed full of action, the plot is a little thin, and Hulk is actually done well, thanks to Mark Ruffalo after one bad and one mediocre attempt at feature film. It is pure comic superhero entertainment. Thumbs up to Joss Whedon. I give it 9 ramheads out of 10.
Next up, another comic book flick, The Dark Knight Rises (2012) was the close to a great Batman trilogy from Christopher Nolan. It tied up loose ends, brought everything full circle (many Batman Begins and The Dark Knight nods), and features more real character development than in the past. All the acting, action, and plot were top notch. I like the film better than its predecessors, though it wasn’t quite as shocking as The Dark Knight. This was probably my favorite film of 2012. 10 ramheads out 10.
Not comic-booky at all, Will Ferrell’s Everything Must Go (2010) features a Will Ferrell acting, not too much unlike his performance in Stranger than Fiction. This time his character is an alcoholic who hits rock bottom. His wife leaves all his stuff on the lawn, changes the locks, and then leaves. He works it out. Funny. Sad. And shows some of the effects of alcoholism on a guy. I enjoyed this one. I’ll give this one 7 ramheads out of 10.

My Amazon Prime subscription led me to watch a few films that I wasn’t sure about. I had a good experience with Everything Must Go, but not so much with Melancholia (2011). I only made it half through. The part I saw was a couple at their weird wedding reception with a weird family and the new bride was going back and forth from being happy and depressed. Then she sleeps with a random guy, not her husband. I still don’t get the point of this depressing crap, and I know I wasted 45 minutes of my time. 1 ramhead out of 10. I really don’t recommend seeing this.
Another Amazon Prime flick that was very highly regarded with critics and award shows, was Winter’s Bone (2010). This is Jennifer Lawrence’s foray into popularity, even if it was more of an indy film. While I can’t say that I enjoyed it, it was very interesting. The gist of the it: in southern poverty a 17 year old girl (Lawrence) has to find her drug-addicted father, who owes money, otherwise they will lose their land. Her mom is severely depressed and pretty much useless, so Lawrence’s character is also raising her younger siblings. Her character is very similar to Katniss in The Hunger Games. The culture of drugs, family, and poverty is really what strikes the middle class Midwesterner that I am. It is an honest picture of a world I’ll never know. I give it 6 ramheads out of 10.
The final film in this post is another Prime watched film. Into the Wild (2007) is a film about a young college graduate with a tough past and a very high intellect, just disappearing on a quest of sorts traveling across America and ending up living in solidarity in Alaska. He’s trying to figure out life and how to be happy. His final conclusion is very interesting. Into the Wild is based on a true story. I give it 8 ramheads out of 10.
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